
In the Mingling Sounds of Ribbits and Rain - Mantis

Archived Girl - The Nassau Review

The Triassic/Jurassic Boundary as My Body - Sand Hills Literary Magazine

The Space Silence Leaves - Poemeleon, The Happy Issue

Replenishing the Earth - Italics Mine

Voyeur - Italics Mine

The Natural History Museum in DC - Italics Mine

Conviction - Rough Diamond Poetry

Hymn for a Sunday Morning - Rough Diamond Poetry

PoppyTongue - RHINO Poetry

Taxonomy - Emerge Journal

Excommunication - Exposed Bone

Addendum to Being a Daughter - LEON Literary Review

Born From - Mom Egg Review

A Dinosaur Poem with Teeth - Swamp Ape

Vitrification - Swamp Ape

Upon Taking the Sacrament - Sugar House Review