Birthrites - Anti Heroin Chic

Hymn for a Good Husband - Anti Heroin Chic

On a Day Where You Eat a Whole Bag of Jelly Beans and Think about Killing Yourself - SoFloPoJo

Abscissions - Where Meadows

Things You Can Do While Silent - Fish Barrel Review

Discovery of Her Body - The Winged Moon Mag

Extinction - The Winged Moon Mag

Hymn for Stained Glass - ballast

Another Late Winter - Twin Bird Review

Motherwings - Twin Bird Review

Extermination Order - the museum of americana

Fixtures - The museum of americana

Thin Veil - Thin Veil Press

The Statue of Liberty In Rehab - The Ear Issue Issue #27

Coach - HAD

A Hymn for Sisterhood - Mulberry Literary Issue VIII

Hymn for a Faith Crisis - Stone Circle Review

The Second Scientific Revolution - Identity Theory

God Flips a Coin, A Sister Dies - Crab Apple Literary

Canon - Muse-Pie Press’s Shot Glass Journal

Intuition - Muse-Pie Press’s Shot Glass Journal

Tyrant Lizard King - Muse-Pie Press’s Shot Glass Journal

The Mothers - Harpy Hybrid Review

In My Dreams I See A Monkey - Harpy Hybrid Review

For What Would You Kill? - Harpy Hybrid Review

Erumpunt et Operimentum - Harpy Hybrid Review

Those Who Can’t - The Good Life Review Micro Monday

Hymn of Accountability - BRAG Magazine Online

Aubade for the Self - The New River

Etymology of Light - The Mid-Atlantic Review

An Ode to Crying - Vonley Road Review

How to Discover Atlantis - The Parliament

Learning How to Tell a Lie - The Parliament

Anti Ars Poetica - New Note Poetry